About Us

Company Details

Company Registration Number: 125983/071/072

PAN Number: 303742663

Company Background:

Ingwa Hydropower Limited was incorporated as a private limited company on Ashad 9th, 2066 and registered with the office of company Registrar with registration number 63728/065/066.The registered office of the company is located at Thapathali, Kathmandu. The major promoters behind the company is from Arun Valley Hydropower Company Limited group headed by Mr. Guru Prasad Neupane. On Ashad 12th, 2071, the ownership of the company was transferred to the new shareholders. The company later converted to Pubic Limited on Bhadra 9th, 2071 with the Registration Number 125983/071/072. The objective of the company is to develop and operate Hydropower Project and contribute for generating electricity in Nepal.The developer group has successfully developed and operating seven small hydropower projects of 65.8 MW and three projects (a) 9.7 MW capacity Kabeli B1 Cascade (b) 40.0 MW Upper Chameliya Upper Ingwa Hydropower Project (9.7 MW) Ingwa Hydropower Ltd. Page 6 of 2 Hydropower Project and (b) 4.0 MW Capacity Chandranigahapur Solar Power project are under construction at June 2020.

Completed Projects

S.N.Name of the ProjectCapacity (MW)
1Piluwakhola HEP3.0 MW
2Rairang Khola HEP0.5 MW
3Ridi Khola HEP2.4 MW
4Naugadh Gad HEP8.5 MW
5Iwakhola HEP9.9 MW
6Kabeli B1 HEP25.0 MW
7Upper Naugadh8.0 MW
8Butwal Solar Project8.5 MW
9Chandranigahapur Solar Project4.0 MW
10Dhalkebar Solar Project1.0 MW
11Kabeli B1 Cascade9.4 MW
12UPPER Chameliya Hydropower Project HEP40.0 MW
13Simara Solar Project1 MW
14Upper Ingwa HEP9.7 MW
Total Capacity130.90 MW

Capital Structure

Authorized Capital : 97 Crore

Issued Capital: 60 Crore

Paid Up capital: 60 Crore

Share Holding Pattern

1Promoters42 Crore70%
2General18 Crore30%
Total60 Crore100 %

Organizational Structure

Fig: Organizational Chart